Julie posted before about a list making book she enjoyed and now it is my turn. While lounging on the beach I didn't do much besides listen to waves, dig my toes in the sand and soak up the sun but when I did get a little restless one of the books I turned too was my newly purchased Listography Journal: Your Life in Lists.

I thought it would be a really fun way to pass the afternoon and also a great way to document my thoughts + feelings at this stage in life. There is no place like the beach to make my thoughts clearer so I documented them in this book . I plan to purchase another copy and stow it away for a few years from now. We regularly visit this same beach so I figure then I can pull out a fresh copy on another beach trip, fill it out and compare what has changed and what has stayed the same.
The books format and clever questions make it fun and easy. I finished the book in one afternoon. The illustrations on facing pages are lovely and make the book a pretty keepsake no matter how chicken-scratch-like your handwriting!
If you can't get enough of list-making or won't commit to a book full of them, check out the author's website. You can create to-dos lists, shopping list, autobiographical lists, any kid of list! They have an auto-topic generator if your goal is more of the journaling type.