I was lucky enough to get my hands on a tube of Rapid Lash. When I tell you lucky I mean it! My lashes were virtually non existant and this is no exaggeration. Sparse, short and thin lashes were what I'd been dealt. I tried expensive mascaras and those annoying fake lashes and nothing made them the lush lashes lucky girls are blessed with.
Then enters Rapid Lash and my lash life changed! Its a little serum you apply each night in the same manner as liquid eyeliner. Super easy. Within 1 week I was starting to notice a subtle change. They say 30 days for full results and they weren't kidding. My lashes have gotten much thicker, longer, darker and curlier too. So much so that I've even gotten comments--about my eyelashes people! It might seem kind of silly but I feel so great now--slap on some mascara and feel like a million bucks!

I've tried pricey mascaras and they are great but nothing is worth as much as this miracle tube! It may seem a tad pricey at first glance ($50) but it lasts a long time...I still have a ton left and I've been using it for about 2 months. If you still aren't sold check out some of their before and afters. Lackluster lash ladies unite! Order Rapid Lash pronto, you won't regret it!
*Photos of my eyelashes were taken by me, with a funky macro lense so excuse the not-so-perfect photos. The photos are of my eyelashes with NO mascara on, NO eyelash curling and NO extensions, etc. Sorry for no "before" photos but my eyelashes barely showed up in them...seriously. Oh and I know my eyelashes STILL aren't as lush as some people's but it is an improvement!