Friday, September 19, 2008

Field Trip

Any true lover of Sex and the City is familiar with Patricia Field's role costuming the fabulous four. Now she collaborated with HSN (yep, Home Shopping Network) to offer a line she calls Destination Style New York. This line is obviously a take on her wardrobe selections in SATC but not a very wise one, in my opinion.

After looking at the collection it really comes across to me as a costume-y version of the series. You can clearly look at each item and pair it with the character from the show who it personifies. The girls took fashion risks but they had the fine fabrics and detailing of major designers to help pull it off. The pieces from Fields' look like something I'd buy on the Halloween aisle of a local party store: kind of like young girls and Disney characters. Sure it may be a wise investment with the holiday around the could dress up as your favorite character and easily pull it off, but would you wear it in "real life?"

Take a look and tell me what you think. Would you wear any of these pieces? Am I the only one who is disappointed? Is it just me or do they look cheap and kind of trampy?