{ Suann Song }
Shortly after Coveiter launched, we had the pleasure of meeting Suann (a cyber meeting anyway). Not only is she one of the nicest people I've met, but she is creative too! This creative lady keeps busy as a director for a PR firm, editor for Sk*rt, blogger, etsy seller, wife and mom. Even with her hands so full she produces some really cute products and keeps an inspiring blog. We are so flattered she took time out of her busy schedule to be interviewed. Without further ado, we welcome Suann as our latest inspiring interviewee.
Who/what inspires your designs? Oh, there are so many things that inspire me. A lot are the simple things I see on an everyday basis -- bright, fresh patterns and color combinations, great fashion, textiles, photography - I love Flickr.
How do you balance your "real" job with your etsy store, editor responsibilities at Sk*rt, and your own personal blog? I'm still getting the hang of things but for the most part its two things: I stay super organized -- I'm a huge list maker and certain parts of the day are dedicated to certain tasks/roles. For example, I usually blog late at night and post my posts the night before. Its kind of my way to unwind! Secondly, my little one [17 months] is an amazingly good sleeper. I get a lot done before he wakes up in the morning and during his afternoon nap, which is oftentimes 3-4 hours!
You've got to have some favorite resources, blogs, or websites on the web. Will you share some with us? Some of my regular blogs include: Design*Sponge, Orangette, Love Made Visible, Apartment Therapy, Midwest Modern Girl and Unruly Things. The last two, I particularly enjoy as I feel like they have very similar tastes to mine but much cooler, of course. I also visit Martha Stewart's blog and website all the time. I can seriously never get enough of Martha.
I love magazines. These are the regulars I will pour over: the now defunct Blueprint, Real Simple, Harper's
, Living
- all the usual suspects.
There are a handful of online shops I like to check out regularly to see what they've got going on: Rose + Radish, Uppercase and Anthropologie [of course].
And finally, I love Flickr. If I think of something, I'll always Flickr it to see what people have come up with or how they interpret it.
Describe your office. What did you strive for when creating this space? I'm fortunate to have big windows and french doors in my work space which provides loads of great natural light. I wanted that light and fresh feeling to be the centerpiece of my space. So, most everything in my little studio is white with bits of glass and silver. Right now its a bit too white and I'm working on adding splashes of color and femininity. All in all, I do love it and its perfect for me.
What song makes you want to sing out loud and dance around without inhibition? This is so cheesy and I'm embarrassed to say -- 4 Non Blondes What's Up.
What was the last movie you saw or book you read that changed the way you think? Book: Eat, Pray, Love Movie: The Kingdom
[I like a good action movie -- though this one wasn't the greatest but it makes you seriously think about what kids have to go through in other parts of the world]
What is the one thing you can't leave home without? Hands down, my blackberry and Sugar Lip Balm by Fresh. I will turnaround and go back home if I forgot either one. Which I have done.
What is your most treasured belonging? Besides my husband and son, my Mac Powerbook. I am addicted to it.
Who is your favorite artist? I have a ton - from contemporary to classics and photographers to dancers. But since I was an art history major, I'll name my all-time favorite painters: Magritte and Seurat. I literally traveled the world to see both of their works.
Finally what are you coveting this spring? A big bunch of my favorite flowers - ranunculus, peonies and hydrangeas, pretty much anything bright yellow and these [or any, for that matter] Jamie Joseph earrings.
Thank you Suann for the opportunity to feature you!